A king-of-the-reef game in a fish-eat-fish world

Grow your school of fish to take control of the reef

Always a Bigger Fish is a quick game for 3-8 players where you take turns attempting to take control of the reef. On a player's turn they play cards to the Ocean Zone to build up the strength of their school. When finished, if the school is stronger than the school in the Reef Zone, the reef cards are removed and the ocean cards are moved to the reef. If a player cannot or chooses not to play a school stronger than the reef, all fish in the ocean are discarded and the player passes. Play then moves clockwise. Turns continue until the player who controls the reef gets a turn. When this happens, the player controlling the reef wins the game.

Get notified on our progress.

Always a Bigger Fish is in testing at the moment to make sure the game is as good as it can be. We expect it will be some time before we are ready for any sort of crowdfunding campaign. However, if you'd like to be notified when there are big announcements, sign up for our Backerkit mailing list.

Rules and Tutorial on DIZED!

Learn to play while playing using DIZED. With a tutorial that steps you through how to play, jump right into the game without the rulebook. If you prefer reading the rules, DIZED still has you covered.

Choose from different sets to create interesting combinations

When setting up the game, you will include the 12 base cards for the game. Additionally, choose from several themed sets of 20 cards to add variety to each game.

Fish of the Coral Reefs

This is one of the two original sets. It contains fish typically found inhabiting coral reefs. Along with the Blue Tang are the Lionfish, Stargazer, Puffer Fish, and more.

Fish of the Open Ocean

The other of the original sets, this contains fish more commonly found out in the open ocean. Some of the fish in the set are the Atlantic Cod, Mackerel, Barracuda, and Marlin.

Shark Attack

The first extra set contains the pinnacle of fish evolution. The shark set contains a variety of vicious predators like the Hammerhead and Great White, as well as the biggest fish in the sea, the Basking and Whale Sharks.

Rays and Skates

This set contains our flatter fish friends. In addition to the classic Stingray and Giant Manta, the set contains a few other interesting specimen like the Barndoor and Thorny Skates.

In the Dark Depths

In the crushing deep where light can't reach lives an amazing variety of fish. This set contains some particularly aggressive and tricky fish like the iconing Angler and Blobfish, as well as the mysterious Barreleye and gigantic Oarfish.

Freshwater Frenzy

This set full of primarily freshwater fish gives representation to the inhabitants of the world's rivers and lakes. From the tiny Minnow to the enormous Sturgeon a variety of the fresh habitats are represented. Watch out for the terrifying Piranha and Electric Eel.

Cephalopods and Cnidaria

This set is also known as the tentacle set. Cephalopods feature Squid and Octopus while Cnidaria are known for Jellyfish and other similar creatures. This is one of two non-fish sets.


The other set of non-fish is the mammals. While the set includes some slightly terrestrial entries like the Harbor Seal and Walrus, it also has the Manatee, Dolphin, and the largest creature on Earth, the Blue Whale.